Sensual, Erotic, Relaxing Massage

Contact me on : 0452256634

Are you looking for a standard relaxation massage to unwind your mind, body and spirit after a long day from work, or does your body desire to experience a sensual, erotic body to body nude massage or do you want to experience a more energy healing exotic tantra body to body nude massage with a body slide

I do OUTCALL BOOKINGS ONLY. I come to you at your home, hotel, motel and apartment to offer my services for you.

Whatever your mind, your body, or your spirit needs or desires. You can text or call me on 0452 256 634 and I can provide that service for you.

Thank you in advance.

Hi everyone,
My name is Spiritual G. I am a qualified male massage therapist, located within the northern suburbs of Melbourne. I am down to earth, intuitive, non judgmental and mindful with what your body needs or desires. I have over 9 years of experience, in offering my services to all singles and couples.

My massage services are traditionally done on the floor, in other words on the carpet, or on a futon if you have one, by then placing two towels down and a pillow to support your head. Most of my clients say it is a lot more grounding, so, why not give it a go.

Costs of services:
Relaxation Massage
1 hour $75
90 minutes $85

Sensual Erotic Nude Massage
1 hour $120
90 minutes $140

Tantra Exotic Energy Healing Nude Massage
1 hour $200
90 minutes $220

I am available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day from 10:00am onward.

You can text or call me on 0452 256 634 to make a booking.

No Private Numbers.

Spiritual G